profichip Ethernet & SliceBus ASICs
YASKAWA is a leading global manufacturer of servo drives, frequency inverters, industrial robots and provider of profichip embedded solutions. For over 100 years, the company has followed the philosophy of delivering products of the highest quality and has thus achieved a leading position in the global market.
Yaskawa's profichip line (Triton, Antaios, Notos, ...) offers specialized chips for industrial communication via e.g. PROFIBUS ®, PROFINET ® and EtherCAT®, ideal for applications in factory automation and robotics.
Overview of YASKAWA profichip Ethernet & SliceBus TRITON Product Portfolio:
TRITON – PATC1000 Industrial Processor for IIoT, Motion, Robotics and PLC applications
TRITON - PATE1000 Evaluation Board for PATC1000 TRITON Processor
Overview of YASKAWA profichip Ethernet & SliceBus ANTAIOS Product Portfolio:
ANTAIOS – PAAC1000 multi-protocol ASIC for couplers, gateways and RTE
ANTAIOS – PAAC1001 multi-protocol-ethernet ASIC for couplers, gateways and RTE
ANTAIOS – PAAE110X Evaluation Board for ANTAIOS multip-protocol ASIC
Overview of YASKAWA profichip Ethernet & SliceBus NOTOS Product Portfolio:
NOTOS B – SliceBus backplane slave controller for highspeed backplane communication
NOTOS – PAAE7750 Evaluaton Board for PA007719 NOTOS B backplane slave controller